How to Edit & Configure an Op
Who is this article for?Primary or Place Admins that are configuring their Ops
Configuring Ops is really easy, you want to make sure you explore all the different tabs at the top of your Op window to tailor it to your needs. These tabs are the following:
1. Overview
The Overview tab allows you to have a summary of the most relevant information about your Op: its general settings, Op performance for the last 7 days, the status of issues raised and the details of the last submitted Operation.
You can essentially glance at an Op overview to see how it is performing.
2. Form
Building your Op it's very easy and intuitive; there are many different Op Question Types you can use to build the perfect form.
In the Procedure tab you can create the content of your Operation and add tasks, questions or instructions on what needs to be actioned from your teams.
3. Schedule
The Schedule tab allows you to manage when the Op needs to be performed. The Op Schedule article explains in detail how you can create and amend schedules.
4. History
This section will allow you to explore the history of a specific Operation. It will give you a brief look at the Analytics section but focus on the performance of this particular Op.
You have the ability to filter and group your data the way you want to access the information you are looking for.
5. Issues
The Issues tab gives you a clear overview of how many issues have been raised through this Operation. You are able to track the status of each one individually, see if there has been any progress, or if there is anything that needs action.
6. Settings
In the different sections within Settings, you are able to manage all configurations for your Operation:
- Enable/Disable if the Op is Active and its Op type
- Enable/Disable what Scoring mechanism will measure your Op (useful when creating Audits)
- Enable/Disable additional options:
- Make your Op available On-Demand
- Activate the Notes & Issues button on your Op's questions
- Limit your Op available to only be performed on Native
- Only let Primary Admins have the right to amend the Op
- Add the Skip button to all the questions in the Op
- Selec Where- at what Places will the Op be available
- Define Who- what users/Teams/Positions can complete the Op. And enable if another user oughts to Approve it before is submitted
7. Business Rules
Business rules are used to ensure that the correct people in your business are notified when Ops are actioned/missed/due etc.
You are able to create rules triggering specific automated actions once a certain event occurs. To know all about how you can customise workflows, read our Op Workflows article.